


Money should not rule over us, we should rule over money.


I would like to share some financial facts:

Today I thought, in stead of buying a fifth pair of shoes, one person could give one child life for three to six months.

And if we would not buy that third car, we could save 40 children from dying in the first fifteen years of there life.

It would be awesome if we could all think about money in a whole different way, like God thinks about it.

God would not give anything about shoes and cars, He cares about people and especially children.

That’s why He says we have to become like the children.

He Cares about childrenĀ  so much!

One time I had a dream. I was in a room and at that moment He entered the room, and immediately I new He was Jesus. I just KNEW.

I looked at Him and talked to Him, but He didn’t answer, and He didn’t even look at me.

He walked straight to the other side of the room where a little child was sitting.

Then I woke up. I knew exactly why I had this dream.

The day before I was thinking about cancelling the sponsorship for a child, because I thought that I couldn’t pay it any more.

After the dream I could not and I would not want to do anything than sponsoring this child, because this is where His Heart Burns for.

His Heart Burns for us, and the little children He cares about the most.

MONEY MOVING EXPERIENCE by grace gun with bullets new